SWARNANEWS.CO.ID, PALEMBANG – Wakil Wali Kota (Wawako) Palembang Fitrianti Agustinda menggelar open house dan ramah tamah di kediamannya di Jalan Panahan, Blok E1 Kampus Palembang.
Open House digelar Minggu (23/4/2023), sejak pukul 09.00 WIB hingga 12.00 WIB.
Satu per satu tamu berdatangan di kediaman Wawako Fitrianti. Mulai dari Kepala dan staf Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD), Camat, staf dan jajaran Pemkot Palembang hingga masyarakat umum.
Fitrianti Agustinda mengatakan, open house dan ramah tamah bertujuan menjalin silaturahmi.
“Dihaturi yang ingin bertamu dan silaturahim ke tempat saya. Saya ucapkan mohon maaf lahir dan batin apabila ada kesalahan selama ini,” katanya. (*)
You wouldn’t just be maximizing the amount of hands, but you’d also be making sure that the randomizing of the cards is taken care of. Especially if you have an “open” home game and don’t always know the players, it really cuts down on the potential for cheating and things like that. So there’s a lot of benefits to actually having a shuffler at your game. } is temporarily unavailable in California. A federal judge dismissed most of the allegations, but in September Scientific Games’ motion for summary judgment was denied, Cookcountyrecord reported. Shuffle Tech’s claim that Shuffle Master has been perpetrated a fraud to control the card shuffler market could go forward to trial. Many times our customers have additional features such as card shufflers, lockboxes, chip trays, lights, power chargers, or drawers in mind. You may also have a different table configuration or layout that you prefer. If you have additional ideas or requests contact us so we can help you make your table your own!
This is usually the very first easy ukulele song I teach complete beginners. It’s super simple and musically satisfying. Little effort for a really fun sound with lyrics anybody can sing and play (even if you don’t know what “lomi salmon” is). Still a huge hit all these years later! I’m Yours is actually in a super hard ukulele key. But it’s next door neighbors with a super easy key so these chords below are easy for even a beginner uke player to strum. *We do not offer customization service for the poker chip sets. If you would like to add more chip variations to your game, you may check out our individual chip sections. So we are down to reruns and worthless fill-ins. Sad time of year for TV. Sunday is NASCAR, of course. Monday is Summer Baking Championship. Thursday is Top Chef. Rest of the time HGTV or surf for any western movies. Get outside and PLAY!